September 12th, 2007

Well after 8 weeks of a prep class and countless hours spent studying I’ve finally set a date. There is no turning back now! 09/26/2007 will forever be know to me as GMAT day. Wish me luck!


September 6th, 2007

I just read this interesting article about being honest to an extreme. Normally I am honest when people ask me things but there are always those times where we tell “white” lies or misconstrue the truth slightly to avoid hurting someones feelings. One of the things that I enjoyed in my previous long term relationship was that we were both so honest with each other (up until the end) that sometimes we hurt each others feelings. Was this bad? Well the relationship didn’t last, but if you ask me I still think that was a awesome thing to do because, while things were working, we were not hiding anything from each other. To that end, I’ve revised a post on my blog that I edited previously so that the truth is no longer hidden.

Wii Me!

August 10th, 2007

If you want to exchange Mii’s send me a message with your Wii number and I’d be glad to give you mine!