Steps to reduce my impact

August 7th, 2007

I’ve been reading this excellent book that my friend Carl recommended to me when I visited him earlier this year. It’s a book that has various suggestions on how we can all be better eco-citizens. In some part due to this and the ramblings of one of my co-workers I decided it was time to reduce the number of plastic bags that I seem to acquire in mass throughout the week. To that end I’ve ordered some hemp/cotton bags from My personal goal is to reduce the number of bags I acquire by at least half in the next few months. We shall see how well that goes.


August 5th, 2007

Ok, I’ve not posted all of the photos from my various 14er hikes this year yet, I’m working on it… Trust me it will happen soon. The real trouble is that my photo management system wasn’t designed for the amount of photos that I seem to be able to crank out. So, until I find a better way of dealing with these I’m still working on touchups etc for the hikes I’ve done so far.

On another note, the GMAT sucks. I’ve been trying to get prepared to take it forever and only recently got really serious about it. The only issue I’ve noticed is that I no longer have any free time. It’s becoming increasingly hard to keep up my nightly laziness habits and stupid for the class I’m taking. The only thing I can hope for is that it will lead to a better score and thus all be worth it in the long run. Actually, speaking of which have any school suggestions?

I’ve got some more random photos from my travels that will also be going up soon. Most recent are some photos from my trips to TX and CA. I have one that I really like of a sea gull that I took with my new Canon EF 70-300mm lens. It’s a fantastic lens if your looking for a nice zoom.

Anyway, that’s all for now. More later.

Who knew?

June 22nd, 2007