Taipei Photos

November 7th, 2006

So it’s been about a month since my last post. Much has happened but I haven’t had the time to keep the site up to date. I finally got over my concern that I was posting the correct photos and uploaded almost all of the pictures I have to the web. More are showing up as I have the time to sort them. Check things out here.

Oh and my photos of my Beijing trip for work are up here.

Taipei Garbage Day

October 5th, 2006

Last night I witnessed one of the many strange things that happens here in Taipei, garbage day. A garbage truck pulled up to the side of the street I was on started playing a bad imitation of ice cream truck music and next thing I know people are coming from everywhere with sacks of garbage. Who thought it was a good idea to associate the ice cream truck song with garbage? I managed to find a youtube video of this very event:


Link updated 06/06/2013

Mountain Crabs and Fishing for Shrimp?

September 11th, 2006

Everyone in Taipei is very nice from what I can tell. My co-worker told me that he would take me around to see a few things here. This past weekend we went to a mountain close to the city (still don’t know the name, Yummi?), went bowling, and went shrimp fishing.

We visited a mountain (Yummi Mountain?) close to Taipei County on Saturday and did some hiking followed by a meal at one of the many local restaurants in the mountain valley. Our hike wasn’t too long because it started to rain shortly after we left the base area. The vegetation is very tropical (of course) and it’s very humid. Oh and the air smells of sulfur fumes due to the hot springs in the area. On our way up we ran into a gigantic beetle and a crab which is seems odd since there is no water near by. My co-worker said it was a “Mountain Crab”. While looking for a place to eat in the “valley” we sampled some local tiny bananas where a girl from Taipei started asking my co-worker what I was doing there (since they don’t see too many foreigners), and had a baked sweet potato. The restaurant we settled on is in a strip where there are people out front constantly trying to get you to come in to eat at their place. The street vendors along this street were also offering all kinds of free samples. Dinner was interesting, consisting of a sweet potato and ginger soup, steamed bread, various vegetables, fried mushrooms, and some beef/pork. The sweet potato soup was very good!

On Sunday my co-worker took me bowling and to go “shrimp fishing”. I don’t know about you but when I think of shrimp fishing I think nets, large nets and ocean. This style of shrimp fishing was indoors in a giant warehouse and you use rods to catch the shrimp just like you would any other fish. The place we went charges by the hour and they give you a rod and bait. I’ve got some pictures of this that I’ll put up later. I learned quickly that shrimp are a pain in the butt to get off hooks and they pinch. My total for the night was 8 shrimp. After we finished the same building has a giant propane powered broiler where we cooked the shrimp we caught. It was quite the experience.